For those of you who have downloaded the music online, here are the song lyrics that many of you have asked for ... beginning with the most requested. Enjoy ...
Waiting for the Moon
In the heart of the night
At the edge of a wood
Alone on a branch, there sits a bird
With it's head turned to the side
One eye fixed on the sky
Quiet as a breath, the moonbird waits
Waiting for the moon to show it's soft silver glow
To the bird who sits waiting in the dark below
Waiting for the moon to rise
For it's light to touch the skies
And fill the moonbird's eyes and it's heart with delight
And so night after night
The moonbird waits
Sitting unaware of the cold winds that blow
And when at last they meet
All across the night
Can be heard the sweet sound of the moonbird's song
Endless Rain
Endless Rain, endless rain
Moments fall like endless rain
In the distance you can hear the thunder booming
Yet within these walls
Not a single raindrop falls
And the flower of eternity is blooming
Let it rain, let it rain
Let the moments fall like rain
'Til the lightning and the thunder have gone
Within the safety of these walls
Not a single raindrop falls
And the river of breath flows on and on
Aliho Houn/The Path is Open
I am following the sun that shines before me
My fear is gone, and I feel confident
The path is open
A Butterfly in the Well
There's a butterfly in the well
A cloud in the dirt
A wind through the heart of the mountain
And a swing with no rope suspended between
The banks of the river flowing
In a basket that breathes
A garden grows
And a flower with no stem is blooming
And surrounding that flower
The canyon walls
Painted with the color of longing
There's a butterfly in the well
A cloud in the dirt
A wind through the heart of the mountain
And a flower that blooms in the canyon wide
Formed by the river endlessly flowing
River of Breath
(based on the words of Prem Rawat)
This beautiful wind
This beautiful sail
That catches the wind with every breath
This fountain of life
Is flowing inside
This river of breath runs through you
Through you ....
Oooh .... this motion
Oooh .... this moment
This beautiful wind
Is blowing within
Caught by the sail
With every breath
This fountain of life (this is so real)
Is flowing inside (this is your dance)
This river of breath runs through you
Through you ...
Always Remembering You
(Chorus sung in Hindi)
Chorus English:
Please let my whole life pass always remembering You
Always remembering You
My boat is in the worldly ocean,
Ferry it to the true destination (repeat)
Ferry it to the true destination, ferry it to the true destination
Let me go to the other shore, always remembering You
Always remembering You
Let me be with You every moment,
Always remembering You, always remembering You
May nothing stand in the way, may nothing stand in the way
To reach my true home again, to reach my true home again
Let my breath come to an end,
Always remembering You, always remembering You
Comme le Vent
(lyrics by Marcel Adjibi)
Goun (African) lyrics:
Nougbo domeh, nougbo nonon
(the hiden truth remains)
Gbigboh, axon, na xlin ganwe
(in the forgotten breath that will save you)
French lytics:
Si tu connais la verite (if you know the truth)
Tu trouvera la liberte (you will discover freedom)
Et tu sera libre comme le vent (and you will be free like the wind)
Goun (African) lyrics:
Ayixo non yiloh (My heart is calling)
Ayixo yin xouechegbe (My heart is my home)
Ghigboh chelekpo yin n'kubibla (Every breath is a blessing)
(based on the words of Prem Rawat)
All roads have an ending
So all journeys must come to an end
But you may journey forever
When you find the world within
Mavoh Mavoh
Goun (African) lyrics translated:
I love you from eternity to eternity
Come Little Butterfly
Come little butterfly, rest in my hand
I'll be as still as I can
watching and waiting I'm wanting you near
Won't you come here?
Won't you come near?
But it's you who's the butterfly
I am the hand
Something that you'll understand
Watching you wandering, endlessly hovering
Now is your hour
Come close and drink from the flower
Butterfly, flower, river and sea
Finally together are we
Now in this moment
Now is the hour
Still as can be
Fiinally together are we